CorrectEnglish is Now the Ultimate Writing Assistant for Professionals

Some of the most important writing you will do is in the workplace. When you need your writing to shine, CorrectEnglish has always been there to help you identify what needs fixing or changing. But in crafting an effective piece of writing, not everything is a matter of right or wrong—often, it’s about what will be clear and compelling to your reader. 

Use CorrectEnglish's new editing tools and writing suggestions. 

We've updated the CorrectEnglish browser extension to guide you better through the editing process and help you understand how your writing will likely land with a reader. With a sleek new look, easy access to CorrectEnglish’s explanations for corrections, and new types of writing suggestions, it’s never been easier to improve your writing before sending it out into the world. 

A tool that stays in sync 

If you've used CorrectEnglish before, you'll be familiar with the underlines that appear in your text to let you know CorrectEnglish has a suggestion. To let you focus on writing, you'll only see those underlines with issues like grammatical mistakes or misspellings. But CorrectEnglish's writing feedback goes way beyond grammar and spelling. Click on "See Details" within the pop-up when you hover over a suggestion.

You'll see all of CorrectEnglish's feedback—including explanations about grammar, spelling, punctuation, and wordiness. CorrectEnglish Professional users also have access to an expanded library of templates, research tools, and more. 

By default, the suggestions you see are the ones that will have the biggest impact on your writing based on your goals. 


Taking tone to the next level 

In writing, tone is tricky. Without physical cues or facial expressions, it's all too easy for a reader to interpret your tone as annoyed when you were only trying to keep your message brief and to the point. CorrectEnglish Professional identifies phrases that may make you sound unconfident, informal, overly negative, or impolite and offers alternatives to help shift your tone in a different direction. 


Reconstructing sentences for clarity 

Even sentences that are grammatically correct can sometimes be hard to understand. CorrectEnglish can spot unnecessarily wordy phrases and offer you concise, easy-to-read alternatives. But what about sentences that are truly tangled up? CorrectEnglish Professional can offer rewrites for confusing sentences. Whether the solution is splitting a long sentence in two, cutting extra words, or moving a key phrase from one place to another, CorrectEnglish can show you what needs to be done. 


Formatting for improved readability 

Everybody gets too many emails. At times, we’ve all had to resort to skimming messages instead of reading each one thoroughly. So how do you make sure your readers absorb the important information in your email, even if they end up skimming it? 

One way to improve the readability of your writing is to keep your message short and concise. However, with CorrectEnglish's readability-focused formatting suggestions, you can do even better. CorrectEnglish can help you write more concisely by getting rid of run-on sentences, overly complicated vocabulary, and more. 

For multilingual speakers who are not native English speakers, writing in English can be challenging. CorrectEnglish can assist multilingual speakers to sound their best in English with tailored suggestions to improve grammar and idiomatic phrasing.  

We are excited to offer these updates to CorrectEnglish. Whether you are writing an important email, a resume, or a report, CorrectEnglish is always ready to assist you in making sure your writing is clear and effective.

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