5 Reasons Why Students Need To Improve Their Grammar

All students, regardless of grade level, benefit from a proficient understanding of English grammar. Unfortunately, the current educational system often neglects formal instruction on grammatical principles.

Educators cite varied reasons for not teaching grammar, such as:

  • Students don’t like it.
  • Kids don’t remember it.
  • The skills don’t transfer to real life.
  • Teachers don’t understand it.1

Some teachers also argue that standardized tests’ heavy focus on grammar is unwarranted and frustrating for students. “An argument against tests is not, though, an argument against the teaching of grammar.”2

Even if some consider it confusing or dull, grammar is the foundation for college readiness, clear verbal communication, career success, academic confidence, and potential secondary fluencies.

That’s why CorrectEnglish is a groundbreaking step forward for students everywhere.

CorrectEnglish—the best way to learn English grammar online—is like having an expert grammarian in your student’s pocket all the time, every day. It’s ideal for students, whether fluent or English language learners, who seek to improve their grammar.

Available on both desktop and mobile, CorrectEnglish marks mistakes and explains the reasoning behind recommended changes, instilling grammatical excellence organically. The AI-driven software compares writing against over 63,000 grammar rules while a student types, taking proper punctuation, clauses, context, and spelling into account. It even includes a plagiarism checker that’s perfect for academia.

If you want your students to excel in academic, corporate, and personal realms, then grammatical instruction is not only valuable, but vital.

Here are 5 reasons students need to improve their grammar with CorrectEnglish.


#1: College Readiness

Not every student will pursue higher education, but that’s the dream for many—and grammatical proficiency is non-negotiable for further academic success.

One ACT research study revealed that college professors consider grammar the most important skill for entering students. Meanwhile, 20 percent of college freshmen require remedial writing courses before they’re even remotely capable of college-level writing.3

CorrectEnglish prevents students’ misunderstandings of proper grammar from slipping through the cracks. By working one-on-one with a student on a 24/7 basis, the AI enables steady, progressive instruction in a natural way, teaching new concepts while students type.

CorrectEnglish is the best way to equip students for their extended academic journeys.


#2: Verbal Clarity

Even if a student’s chosen career involves limited writing, it will inevitably involve speaking with coworkers, clients, or otherwise. The best way to improve those verbal skills is by improving writing skills.

Essentially, “Enhanced communication skills call for a high degree of grammatical competence. Communicative proficiency involves knowledge and application of grammar and use of appropriate vocabulary of the language to convey meanings in a socially acceptable way.”4

Understanding written grammar leads to understanding verbal communication.5 As a result, a clear, eloquent grasp of conversational English impresses employers, distinguishing a former student as a professional candidate.

CorrectEnglish teaches grammar organically through pieces a student was already writing, without requiring extra time or textbooks to instill that knowledge. As a result, students’ verbal clarity will increase alongside their written clarity.


#3: Career Preparedness

Why is grammar important in communication? For one thing, it’s a well-known fact that employers judge job candidates based on grammar.6

In 2019 and beyond, there’s no excuse for resume mistakes. If a student can’t avoid poor grammar on a single page, a hiring manager will quickly conclude that they would also publish articles with grammatical errors.

An unclear metaphor won’t indicate intelligence—it will only make the applicant look like they’re trying too hard. Saying that an internship had a strong “affect” (not “effect”) on their professional development also won’t help their case.

With CorrectEnglish, graduates can ensure that their resume reflects the highest possible degree of professionalism and capability.


#4: Confident Communication

Grammar is an undeniably challenging subject for many students. The difficulty brings a key benefit along with it, however: overcoming the challenge boosts students’ self-confidence because of the effort it took to get there.

Understanding the fundamentals of language gives students the skills to express themselves clearly and uniquely.

Blackboard Talk writes, “Just like a dance instructor teaches his students to first side-step before dancing the salsa, teachers of English must teach their students to first master grammatical rules and writing techniques before writing.”7


#5: Learning Second Languages

Fifth and finally, students who lack understanding of English grammar will struggle immensely to learn a second language.8

Every language has its own grammatical rules. (Spanish differs from English in the placement of adjectives within a sentence, for instance.) Unless a student has a grammatical baseline from their first language, grasping the second language’s differences can feel exasperating.


Whether applying for college, interviewing for a job, or learning a new language, students all benefit from clearly comprehending the nuances of English grammar.

To learn more about how CorrectEnglish can teach grammar as students write, visit correctenglish.com.

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